Breed Name: Neapolitan Mastiff
Breed Description: The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large, powerful breed with a short, thick coat. They have a large, rectangular head and a massive, muscular body, with a deep, broad chest and a thick, powerful neck. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a loyal and devoted breed, with a quiet, even temperament and a strong protective instinct.
Breed Life Span: 9-11 Years
Breed Male's Weight: 50-70kg
Breed Female's weight: 45-60kg
Breed Name: Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
Breed Description: The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a small and energetic breed of dog that was originally bred in the Netherlands for duck hunting. They are intelligent, playful, and affectionate, and make excellent companion dogs.
Breed Life Span: 12-15 Years
Breed Male's Weight: 10-15kg
Breed Female's weight: 10-15kg
Breed Name: Newfoundland
Breed Description: The Newfoundland is a large and muscular breed of dog that was originally bred for working on boats and in the water. They are gentle and intelligent, and make excellent family pets.
Breed Life Span: 8-10 Years
Breed Male's Weight: 45-70kg
Breed Female's weight: 45-70kg
Breed Name: Norfolk Terrier
Breed Description: The Norfolk Terrier is a small and energetic breed of dog that was originally bred in England for hunting small game. They are intelligent, playful, and affectionate, and make excellent companion dogs.
Breed Life Span: 12-15 Years
Breed Male's Weight: 5-6kg
Breed Female's weight: 5-6kg
Breed Name: Norrbottenspets
Breed Description: The Norrbottenspets is a small and playful breed of dog that was originally bred in Sweden for hunting small game. They are intelligent, energetic, and affectionate, and make excellent companion dogs.
Breed Life Span: 12-15 Years
Breed Male's Weight: 8-10kg
Breed Female's weight: 8-10kg